Appreciating my hood

I think the last six months have been about the act of appreciation. When I say this I mean appreciating the people I love, my love of food, my new house, finding new ways to exercise and of course my holiday. However, now I’m starting to have time to admire and explore my hood.

To me Christmas is the time of year where family and friends make the most time for each other and, you guessed it, appreciate each other the most. This week I’ve had time to really wonder around and see my hood during the week so what did I do?
– I went for a run – I love sprinting and the outdoors here is fantastic, this is my garden:
– I went to the market in my town and realised I have a date with the French in a few weeks – I love diversity:

– I went for a walk to find my advent decorations for 2014 – red cheeked and happy I made a few:



– I enjoyed the last few days of autumn and it was beautiful:



Have you taken time for appreciation this year?